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Valentine's Day 2021

For a majority of people we know, Valentine’s Day is like liquorice: either you love it or it makes you nauseous. We at Billy J fall into the first category, but also understand the reasoning behind why some people have aren’t too keen on the day, particularly if single!

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In Support of RUOK? Day & World Suicide Awareness Day 2021

A CONVERSATION CAN CHANGE A LIFE! *** Thanks for your support! An amazing $7,803.78 was donated! *** In support of R U OK? Day & World World Suicide Awareness Day 2021, from the 9th & 10th of September 2021 - 10% of sales will be donated to Beyond Blue! Beyond Blue is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals, families and communities affected by anxiety, depression and suicide – and creating change to protect everyone’s mental health! We hope our donation will assist Beyond Blue by: reducing the impact of depression, anxiety and suicide by supporting people to protect their mental health and to recover when they are unwell reduce people’s experiences of stigma and discrimination improve people’s opportunities to get effective...

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Accessories to get you noticed trackside at Spring Racing

Hold onto your horses because Billy J is getting giddy for the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival. Despite our HQ located on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, we’re up for any social event where we getto dress up, drink bubbly and rub shoulders with some of the biggest influencers and corporates ofthe events and fashion world. Oh, and watching the horses run (of course). Whether it’s your first time in attendance or it’s an annual ritual with your besties, the stakes are now higher than ever when it comes to spring racing fashion. You’ve already got the perfect spring racing collection outfit (courtesy of Billy J, obvi) – now you just need the accessories to take you centre stage and get you noticed trackside. Whether you want...

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Date Night At Home: What To Wear?

The global pandemic and subsequent quarantine measures have forced couples to be more creative and have dates within the confines of their homes. While this might be out of many people's comfort zones, the familiarity of your home can make for an intimate and ambient setting.   Dressing up will definitely spice up your date nights at home and help you and your partner to break out of the monotony of wearing pyjamas all day. These six date night at home ideas and their complementary outfits are the perfect inspiration for keeping your romantic flames alive.   Have A Virtual Date Absence makes the heart grow fonder? Lockdown and social distancing measures have popularised virtual dates. Distance should not prevent...

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