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Billy J's Spring Carnival Success

While the 2019 Spring Carnival has come to an end, Billy J is happy to report that each race day was a phenomenal success for the Fashions on the Field! The turnout for this years Fashions on the Fields surpassed previous years with such amazing styles from each and every entrant! As Billy J Boutique was the official sponsor of the Fashions on the Field, it was a tough time for the judges choosing the winners for each category! Our team had so much fun being involved and we hope everyone involved had an amazing experience.  The official races rundown...    St Rita's College Caulfield Cup Ladies' Day With pastel being the pick of the day, the judges had their work cut out for...

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Bikinis To Bags: Beach Day Summer Essentials

There’s no doubt about it: there’s a million and one reasons why relaxing on the beach is almost everyone’s favourite activity. Whether it’s the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore, the sweet call of birds, or breathing in that fresh sea salt air, it’s enough to make anyone’s stress melt away from their bodies.   However, a day at the beach can turn into anxiety central if you’re not fully prepared. After all, once you’ve found your little slice of heaven on the sand, the last thing you want to do is have to leave to run to your nearest supermarket and pick up some sunblock.    In addition to your waterproof phone case and towel, there’s some...

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Back To Uni Must-have Pieces

Exams. Pulling all-nighters. Finding that self-motivation from deep within the depths of your soul. Are you ready to start the study semester all over again? If you’ve spent most of your summer binging Netflix show after show, the impending arrival of university starting again might be a rude awakening. And, while studying might be stressful (and let’s face it - dull), finding the perfect outfits to wear on the daily doesn’t have to be.  We’ll make up a million and one excuses to avoid writing that essay or meeting up for that group study session, but when it comes to shopping online, you don’t need to tell us twice. In fact, recent research shows that the clothes we wear can actually...

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Add Florals to Brighten Up Your Autumn Afternoon

Florals? For spring? Ground-breaking. But what about florals in autumn? Now, that’s interesting. After all, tulips in full bloom, BBQs, and baby animals are all synonymous with spring and warm weather. But who’s to say we can’t invite a little bit of brightness into those chilly autumn afternoons with some on-trend florals?   The possibilities are practically endless when it comes to revamping your wardrobe as the seasons change. Unlike summer (who doesn’t live in crop tops and a pair of denim shorts?), your autumn wardrobe requires a little bit of finessing. One look that is transeasonal, however, is the botanical trend.    Flower child: how to rule the floral look If you’re looking for some style inspo to lift your spirits...

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Australian Bushfire Disaster Relief: How you can help

With tragic bush fires burning across New South Wales and Queensland, there has already been 850,000 hectares razed and over 100 homes lost to the deadly inferno.     If you have been watching on in horror with the rest of the nation and are wondering how you can help out, here's a few different ways to show your support:   The Salvation Army Emergency Services are looking for donations for their front line responders, you can donate here    The Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery are looking for donations for their front line responders and aid in maintaining food and equipment stocks at evacuation centers, you can donate here    The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital has created a Go Fund Me page to help rescue Koalas affected by...

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